We have supported the perseverance and educational success of more than 800 persevering individuals.
The FONDS 1804
The 1804 Fund for Academic Perseverance is a non-profit organization. It is managed by a board of governors consisting of 12 members. The 1804 Fund is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency under charity number: 705563484 RR 0001.
Why 1804?
1804 is a date to remember in human history. It marks the first time slavery was abolished, which happened in Haiti. This date highlights the perseverance of women and men who believed in equality for all and dignity for all. By naming it the 1804 Fund, we provide young people with a model of perseverance and pride.
Supporting and recognizing the academic perseverance and educational success of young people, especially those from ethnocultural minorities, by fostering the involvement of parents, family, and the community. Guiding our scholarship recipients towards their autonomy and socio-professional integration.
The Fonds 1804 is guided by values of perseverance, integrity, commitment, inclusion, self-improvement, collaboration, and solidarity.
The Fonds 1804 is financed through its donors. You can make a one-time donation, or you, your family, or your organization can sponsor one or more scholarships. Sponsorship allows you to associate a name with a scholarship from the Fonds 1804. "Your Name Scholarship from the Fonds 1804". The minimum amount for sponsoring scholarships is $250 per year for individuals and $500 for businesses and organizations. We allocate all donations received as scholarships to persevering individuals. Some of our projects are carried out with the support of our partners.
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